Hanwel specialists perform a variety of inspections to assess the current condition of equipment. Contact our specialists to discuss what kind of inspection is appropriate for you.

Inspection of valves
In addition to assessing the current condition of the valves, valve inspection includes advice on how to optimize the valve. Here, we can also provide one-to-one replacements for old, unknown fabrications. Together with you, preventive maintenance plans are drawn up, with Hanwel keeping track of the present valves and the required spare parts.
Inspection of Lisega pipe supports and standard supports.
Our specialists perform inspections of Lisega pipe supports, assessing the current condition of the supports. Lisega components are often poorly maintained, leaving them in very poor condition after decades of use. We identify which supports need to be replaced and prepare a comprehensive inspection report. In doing so, we can also map all supports present to enable preventive maintenance rounds.
Inspection of expansion joints
When assessing the current condition of the expansion joints, there are a number of points of interest: visual inspection for damage, condition and method of installation. In the case of rubber expansion joints, hardness is also measured. After the inspection, a comprehensive inspection report is prepared. This contains a recommendation regarding expansion joints that may need to be replaced.
Perform inspection
Our experts offer thorough inspections of your valves, expansion joints, pipe supports and piping systems. We identify problems early and recommend efficient maintenance for optimal performance. Contact us for a customized inspection.
Need advice on what applies in your situation?
At Hanwel, our specialists are ready to provide you with professional advice and customized solutions tailored to your needs.